Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Gin and lime prawn- Recipe

GLP- Recipe
2 handfuls (about 12) of larger prawns (with tails)
3/4 cup of Tanqueray Gin
2 limes cut in half
1/4 tsp fresh ground pepper
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1 pinch of salt

1 tsp of oil (for frying)

Mix all ingredients about minus the oil (for frying) in a zip lock bag. Let prawns marinate over night in the bag in fridge. Fry shrimp for 2 minutes on each side on medium high heat.

This is an easy, healthy and very tasty recipe! I am a vegetarian so I do have my own personal review but this one hits it out of the ball park!



  1. I wouldn't know I am not a meat or fish or seafood eater... but I hear they are wonderful!
