Saturday, 19 February 2011

Saturday Morning-Animal health care

This Saturday morning I have sick pets! One of my horses has been in the horse hospital since Tuesday ($$$$$) and my little dog has a bacterial infection.

The poor little dog is on 2 kinds of antibiotics and a paste type oral medication. She has already lost 1 pound from not eating (weights 7.3lbs now) and I have to give her water with a syringe (24ml) every 30 minutes. She is however getting better and is no longer throwing up. She is not dehydrated and seems to have more energy. The reason we did not put her in the pet hospital is because she has anxiety. She hates to be separated from her family so if we can help her at home with care and love (while having our vet on speed dial) that is what we will do. If things get any worse instead of getting better we will have no choice but to hospitalize her. Be warned Vancouver pet owners there is a 'bug' going around for dogs and YOU can catch this 'bug' too. This bacterial infection is contagious to humans and dogs so be careful!

The poor horse on the other hand is doing much better. She went into the clinic with severe cellulitis and dermatitis. She got a nasty infection some how. It could have been harboring in the paddocks or the ring. It is hard to control the nasty infections with the wet winter weather we have here. Our horses need to go OUTSIDE! She has a small cut and some scratches on her leg which is probably where the infection entered from. It is important to SCRUB the legs clean after the horse has been ridden and been in a paddock in order to prevent infection. Sometimes even with all that it still happens. In which case I hope none of you are so unlucky as to have a horse get such a resistant infection. She is on her 4th vial of antibiotics. Her ritual at the vet hospital is walking 6 times a day, game ready machine 3 times a day and being wrapped all the time. At night she gets cast polticed from the hoof up to the hocks and then wrapped with gauze and vet wrap. We are hoping for an early release from hospital for the poor girl. For now all I can do is visit with treats and warn all you other horse lover to watch out for what might be harboring in your soil.

On the bright side of today the SUN is shining and the mountains are snow covered. The seawall is pack with runners, bickers and dog walkers. The water is glistening and has avid kayakers and dragon boats taking advantage of the nice weather. The water taxis are a frequent sight too and some are taking their boats out for a spin on this crisp winter morning.

As for me I am out of here! Off to a busy day of animal care and to join all those lucky Vancouverites on the seawall for a nice run.

Happy Saturday!

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